Discovery Publisher

Discovery Publisher

Biographies and publications related to the life of great masters, teachers, sages and teachers that...

Biographies and publications related to the life of scientists and inventors that have made and...

Publications related to the achievements and actions of great historians and activists who have changed...

Max Heindel (July 1865 - January 1919), is the founder of the Rosicrucian Fellowship, based...

Eugène Caslant (1865 - 1940) was a French astrologer. Gaston Bachelard presents it as a...

The Chinese Without Tears series comprises all textbooks, from beginner to advanced, which are essential...

Max Heindel was a Danish-American Christian occultist, astrologer, and mystic. He is the author of...

Maurice Magre was French a poet, a writer and a playwright. He was a defender...